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About these charts

  • Each chart has a separate demographic workforce element (age, ethnicity and gender).
  • All filters apply to all charts.
  • These charts show the annual average workforce counts/percentages by sector and designation.
  • We exclude designations with estimated counts – 'relevant' and 'other'.
  • Scale may not begin at zero because charts auto-fit to the data.
  • Information is published only where the count is for six or more people as per Stats NZ rules for privacy. This is in accordance with of the Statistics NZ Microdata output guide on using data from Inland Revenue.

Age Bands

  • For the age band figures, the total counts only include people aged 15 and over, resulting in slightly lower counts for a given cohort. This is because:

        (i) we are focussed on aligning with the working age population for analysis purposes; and

        (ii) the numbers of people in the excluded "14 and under" category are very low


  • For the ethnicity figures, the total counts and percentages will result in an overcount. This is because we use the Stats NZ "Total Response" output methodology.

     This overcount occurs because individuals can choose to identify with more than one ethnicity.

     Note: MELAA = Middle Eastern, Latin American or African ethnicity


 Gender classification description

Demographic data and reporting on this website uses Stats NZ’s standard for gender, sex and variations of sex characteristics.

The standard classification is a flat classification with three categories, in accordance with the Statistics NZ guidelines:

1. Male/Tāne,

2. Female/Wahine,

3. Another gender/He ira kē anō,

4. Also included is ‘Unknown’, where a person’s gender has not been specified.

Useful features

  • Show exact numbers by holding the mouse over the chart.
  • Hide or show a series by clicking its name in the legend below the chart.
  • View full screen or download in different formats using the 'hamburger' menu top right.


Past year numbers can change as:

  1. the IDI extracts are on an "as at" point in time basis, so data refreshes will re-read in any backdated data updates submitted by data providers; and
  2. every data refresh involves re-extracting all the past years which are then subjected to Stats NZ's random rounding rules.